Ayurvedic treatment for Alopecia

Are you looking for Ayurvedic treatment for Alopecia? Then, you have landed in right place. Alopecia areata is an acquired autoimmune disorder where the hair falls out in small patches leading to baldness. This disorder can happen to anyone regardless of gender or ethnicity. However, a majority of the cases occur before the age of 30. It is also called spot baldness.

This condition can be genetic, with studies showing that 1 in 5 people have a family member who suffered from the same condition. A unique feature of this disorder is it catches you by surprise by developing suddenly over a few days.

Causes of Alopecia


This happens when the white blood cells of your body attack the hair follicles, causing them to shrink and lower their hair production. When your body’s immune system targets your hair follicle, it results in bald patches, and the medical term is alopecia areata.

Alopecia head

If you have a family history of alopecia areata or members in your family also suffer from this disorder, then your chances of developing this condition increases. This condition is not triggered by stress, and little scientific evidence supports the view that this disorder is caused by stress.

Hair follicles aren’t destroyed in this condition, and the hair can regrow once the infection subsides. The disorder usually subsides independently, and hair regrowth has occurred without any intervention or treatment.

Ayurvedic view on the same

In Ayurveda, Alopecia areata is called Indralupta. It is classified as one of the scalp diseases. According to the great sage, Sushrutawhen pitta associates with Vataand attacks the hair roots, then there is hair loss. When Kapha associates with rakhta, it blocks micronutrients from being absorbed by the hair roots resulting in bald patches and preventing further regrowth in that area.

As per Ayurveda, doshas block the hair pores. Therefore, the first step is to remove the blockage, thereby promoting hair regeneration. I have listed some of the remedies that can be followed at home. As you read through them, you will realize Ayurveda views the problem from a holistic sense and advises treatments that positively impact many aspects of our lives.

Ayurvedic treatment for alopecia areata

The pitta needs to be pacified. This is achieved by expelling the toxins from the body and enhancing the digestive system. The pitta pacifying herbs used are Yashtimadhu, Japa, musta, chamomile, Kamala, Shatavari, Amalaki, vetiver, Nimba, etc. karpoora, and lavender.

Oil massage therapy for alopecia

Oil massage therapy to the scalp has been very beneficial. Oils containing extracts of Jasminumgrandifolium are pretty effective in treating baldness. They need to be applied in the evenings or at night before going to bed. You need to massage the oil into your scalp in circular motions.

Panchakarma is a treatment in Ayurveda that helps with the complete cleansing of the body by targeting the 5 pittas. Medicated oils are massaged deep into the scalp and help stimulate the hair follicles. This procedure is called Shirodhara therapy and plays a vital role in eliminating the doshas in the scalp.

In Ayurvedic treatment for Alopecia, Ayurvedic shampoos are also extremely useful in keeping your scalp healthy and clean. Doctors recommend washing your hair twice a week. Shikakai is a natural cleanser with saponins that removes excess sebum generated by the scalp without drying the scalp.

Triphalachurna consists of 3 herbs: haritaki, bibhitaki, and Amalaki, which are powerful in balancing the doshas. By mixing water into the Triphala powder, you can make a paste and apply it to your scalp to detoxify and stimulate hair growth.

aloevera for alopecia

Aloe vera has soothing properties and is rich in vitamins like A, C, & E. You can apply aloe vera gel directly to your scalp and hair tips. It is very effective against aggravated pitta and also cleanses the scalp. I regularly apply aloe vera gel to my hair, and it helps make my hair soft and removes the frizz. Hibiscus is well known for promoting hair growth and scalp health. You can grind hibiscus flowers into a paste and apply them directly to your scalp. It lathers well and can be washed off with water. Hibiscus flowers can also be boiled in carrier oils like coconut oil and be massaged into the scalp. Your hair will grow thick and will have a beautiful black appearance and shall help you to regrow hair naturally.

Amla or Indian gooseberry is rich in vitamin C and is a natural antioxidant. It has profoundly nourishing properties and is referred to as tridosha in Ayurveda. You can make a paste of fresh amla and directly apply it to your scalp and hair. This will help hair growth and give a deep black color to the hair. I have done this by cutting amla into small pieces and grinding it in the mix with some water.

You can also follow an ayurvedic diet to keep your doshas in balance and further enhance the effectiveness of the treatments mentioned above. In general, to have a healthy scalp and good hair, include a lot of cucumbers, leafy vegetables, potatoes, pumpkins, curd, sprouts, mint, coriander, and sesame seeds in your diet, along with lots of proteins. A diet that provides you with all the essential nutrients is required for healthy hair growth.

You should also increase the intake of lentils, pulses, seeds, and nuts, as protein is essential for hair growth. Most of our hair is made from protein, and to stop hair loss and thinning of the hair, protein is essential.

This can be taken a step further by changing your lifestyle for the better. This will help in treating alopecia areata you will also experience a boost in your health.

  1. Sleep for a minimum of 6 to 8 hours every day to keep your doshas in balance.
  2. Consume lots of water and always aim to stay hydrated to flush out the toxins from the body.
  3. Exercise and meditate daily to keep stress at bay and to have balance in the body
  4. You can try yoga as the benefits will last a lifetime.

According to Ayurveda, many yoga poses boost hair growth and detoxify your scalp. I have mentioned some of them below:

  • In yoga, Sarvangasana (the shoulder stand pose) is very good in enhancing the blood supply to the head and scalp. It also helps in controlling hair loss.
  • Bhujangasana (the cobra pose) increases the blood circulation in the vertebral column and helps in facilitating better communication between the body and the brain.
  • Anulomaviloma (alternative nostril breathing) is a technique where you alternate between the 2 nostrils to inhale and exhale. This technique rejuvenates all the organs in the body and strengthens the hair roots.
  • Pranayama is effective in curing baldness and reducing hair fall.

All the techniques mentioned above not only benefit your hair and help reduce Alopecia areata, but they also benefit your overall health. These techniques increase body flexibility and make your joints stronger.


Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease and is very difficult to cure. Hence I have listed effective techniques in Ayurveda that will provide long-term benefits to your hair and promote overall wellbeing. From reading the methods I have mentioned, I hope you realize Ayurveda looks at the disorder from a holistic perspective and recommends treatments, including lifestyle changes.

Practicing a good lifestyle and eating the right kind of food helps curb the effects of this disorder. A change from your current lifestyle will definitely give good results, and it will take time before you see any changes. This is all about the Ayurvedic treatment for Alopecia.

Also read,

  1. Re-grow hair naturally in three weeks
  2. Hair Transplant And Its Side Effects
  3. Side Effects of Onion Juice on Hair
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